Best friends are people you can depend on. A best friend is someone everyone needs. A best friend is someone that shares the strongest type of friendship.  BEst Friends are really special people.  You can always count on them to be there for you, when your sad and need someone to talk to, when your going through tough times, someone you know you can tell your secrets to, someone thats not ashamed to call you their best friend too.  A best friend will do all these things and more.  A best friend isn't just someone you can hang out with when your bored. There someone that you think of as part of your family.  You don't envy a friend, even if they have something you don't because the only people that should feel anything are people that don't have a strong connection with someone like you do with your best friend.  that still doesn't mean you won't have your ups and downs but if they are truly your best friend they will forgive you no matter how bad you messed up and you will forgive them no matter how bad they messed up because if you are truly friends you will want to keep it like that.  A best friend will also be there when you need them the most they will make sure they don't have plans so they can be with you and help you through anything.  they are a shoulder to cry on. Someone that makes your day a million times better by just being there. someone you make inside jokes with, knows what your thinking by just looking at you, someone that makes up crazy, weird nicknames for you,  someone you can be yourself with, understands you, and not afraid to be seen with you in public doing embarrassing things. Having a best friend is a great thing, so if you have a best friend make sure to appreciate them because some people go through life without a best friend. 

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